Application for Enrolment
Application for Enrolment forms must be accompanied by the following paperwork;
- Birth Certificate
- Immunisation (from MyGov website)
- Baptism (if applicable)
- 2 most recent School Reports (if applicable)
Applications can be emailed to admin@olmc.wa.edu.au or lodged in person.
Procedures for Enrolment
The Principal will interview all new students with their parents. Parents need to read, complete and sign all enrolment documentation before their child will be offered a position in the school.
The Principal will interview all new students with their parents. Parents need to read, complete and sign all enrolment documentation before their child will be offered a position in the school.
Department of Health WA
No Jab, No Play Guidelines
No Jab, No Play Guidelines
- For child care service, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten enrolments, ensure each child meets immunisation requirements for enrolment
Only enrol a child:
* whose AIR immunisation history statement is up-to-date
* who is following an approved catch-up schedule as indicated on the child’s AIR immunisation history statement;
* who has a valid immunisation certificate issued or declared by the Chief Health Officer, or
* if you are satisfied the child is exempt because of particular family circumstances.